FogBugz 6.0 Online Help

Types of FogBugz users

There are four kinds of user account in FogBugz.


A normal FogBugz user.


An administrator has permission to do anything in FogBugz:

There is one built-in Administrator account that comes with FogBugz. This account is free: for example, if you purchase licenses for 10 users, you can actually have 11 accounts. This account can be deleted if there is at least one other active administrator account. This account's properties (such as full name and email address) can be changed at any time. In addition, any other user can be promoted to administrator status.

Note: In addition to sitewide administrators, FogBugz also lets you designate any user as an administrator over a particular client, department, project, wiki, or discussion group. See Permissions.


A virtual user can't log on and doesn't use up a license. You can create virtual users to assign a case to a group of people. For example, you could create an "Up For Grabs" virtual user that owns a case until someone assigns it to themselves.


 A community user can be granted access to wikis and discussion groups on your site. Community users can't list or view cases.

Administrators can change the status of a user at any time under Settings | Users.