FogBugz 6.0 Online Help

Setting up Subversion

There are two steps in setting up FogBugz-Subversion integration:

  1. Getting Subversion to transmit changes to FogBugz
  2. Getting FogBugz to provide links to WebSVN, the web-based Subversion repository browser

    Getting Subversion to transmit changes to FogBugz

    Decide whether you want to use the Perl or VBScript versions of the Subversion scripts. These run on the Subversion server.

    Log on to FogBugz as an administrator, and go to Settings | Site. In the Main tab, you will see a link to download scripts.

    Download the logBugDataSVN script.

    Download the post-commit hook file.

    FogBugz adds the extension .safe to the names of some of these files, to keep them from running accidentally. Edit the file names to remove that part of the extension.

    Put both of these files in the Hooks directory in your Subversion repository. If your SVN repository is on Unix, grant execute permissions on both files (chmod +x filename).

    Getting FogBugz to provide links to WebSVN, the web-based Subversion repository browser

    In order to browse a Subversion repository, you need something that allows you to view file diffs and history logs from a web browser. We recommend WebSVN.

    Once that is installed and working with your Subversion repository, log onto FogBugz as an administrator and on the Settings | Site screen, go to the Main tab.

    Under Source Control URL for logs, enter

    http://path to websvn/subversion/filedetails.php?rep=0&path=%2F^FILE&rev=0&sc=1

    Under Source Control URL for diffs, enter

    http://path to websvn/subversion/diff.php?rep=0&path=%2F^FILE&rev=^R2&sc=1


    If anyone on your team uses TortoiseSVN, a Subversion client for Windows, follow these steps to configure it to prompt for case numbers when you enter log messages.