FogBugz 6.0 Online Help


FogBugz includes a wiki for creating and maintaining documentation.

In a wiki, every article can be edited by anybody, and a complete record of all edits is maintained forever. This allows anyone with a little bit more information to improve an article simply by clicking the Edit link and editing it in place.

You can use the wiki for any team documentation: specifications, requirements documents, knowledge base articles, status reports, internal technical documentation, and external end-user documentation. Because anyone can edit any article, the quality of each article will improve over time.

You can create as many wikis as you need in your FogBugz installation.

To create additional articles in a wiki, you simply edit an existing article, click where you want a hyperlink to the new article, and choose Insert | New Article. This makes a link to the new, initially-blank article right in the current document. The link is red to remind you that the new article has not been written yet. Save your changes and click on the red link to get to the new article.

In general, when you want to insert a link:

  1. Type the text that the link should have, and select it
  2. Choose Insert | Link
  3. Enter the destination that the link should go to.
If you type: FogBugz makes a link to:
1234 Case #1234 in FogBugz
Contact Info Article with "Contact Info" headline in this Wiki
Internal:FAQ Article with "FAQ" headline in Wiki named "Internal"
W123 Article #123 in FogBugz
YourProjectName FogBugz Project Status (EBS) Report page for "YourProjectName"
file:///\\share\directory\file.txt file:///\\share\directory\file.txt

To follow a link while you're editing an article, hold down Ctrl while clicking the link.

FogBugz does not automatically maintain a table of contents to all wiki articles. If you delete the last link to a given article, even though it still exists in FogBugz, you can't get to it without typing the URL. This is called an orphaned article; administrators can see a list of them in the wiki configuration page.

The wiki includes a history browser, which shows a list of each change made to the article over time and who made it. For each change, you can see a graphical display showing the old and new version, you can compare any two versions, and you can go back to any old version. If somebody has made a change that you don't like, you can go back to the version before they made the change and save it as the current version, which has the effect of undoing their change in two clicks. In practice, this means that it's easier to clean up vandalism than to vandalize in the first place, and it has the effect of keeping the quality of a wiki article very high even when you allow anyone in the world to edit it.

Users can subscribe to a wiki article to receive notification when it changes. This is useful to track projects or interesting documents, and it also makes it difficult for a vandal to deface a page without anyone noticing. Vandals eventually give up when they realize that they're not getting anywhere and move on to something else, like throwing stones at rabbits.

The FogBugz wiki is completely multiuser; any number of users can edit each article simultaneously without clobbering each other. FogBugz will detect if two users' changes conflict, and ask the second user to decide how to resolve the conflict. If two users edit different parts of a document, their changes will not conflict and will both be saved.

FogBugz automatically saves drafts in the background as you are editing, in case you close your web browser or it crashes before you can save. When you come back to the article, you'll be given a chance to recover your edited version, even if you never hit "save."

FogBugz search includes wiki articles. To search only wiki articles, add type:wiki to the search terms.

The wiki is tightly integrated with FogBugz. For example, you can create a link to any FogBugz case simply by typing the case number when you insert a link. This becomes a bidirectional link; the FogBugz case will link back to the wiki article automatically.

The WYSIWYG editor built into FogBugz picks up on several things from the current template:

If you want to change the fonts, styles, and colors used in your articles, just edit the CSS section of the template.